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Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

10 Lowongan di UNDP & BPPT

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and The Government Agency on Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT)

UNDP & BPPT for Microturbine Cogeneration Technology Application Project (MCTAP) is looking for a well qualified and highly motivated national professionals to fill the following posts:

1. National Project Manager
2. Lead Consultant
3. Energy Policy Consultant
4. Capacity Building Consultant
5. Business Planning and Development of Microturbine Technology
6. Energy Technology Consultant
7. Cogeneration Technology of Microturbine Consultant
8. Finance and Economic Consultant
9. Administrative Assistant
10. Finance Assistant

For further detailed information on application and complete Term of Reference, please visit

Closing date: 8 January 2009